
We help service professionals streamline their web design, branding and SEO processes.

We help businesses accelerate their growth, power new initiatives and cultivate strong relationships with their audience.
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As Creative Brand Strategists we enable you to harness the strength of combining research-led strategy, informed creative design and targeted outreach. We uncover the real-world needs of your community and help you align your business and your team to meet them.
Developing a Creative Brand Strategy allows you to...
Work on the right business activities.
Showcase your commitment to customers.
Cultivate a stronger company culture.
Promote growth in your marketing and sales.
They say it better than us.
You want to be sure that you are working with a company who does what they say they do. Our favourite way to show you we are true to our word is by letting our clients speak their truth about working with us.

Micah Styles

Director of Human Capital
Barker Langham Recruitment
It is always an absolute delight to collaborate with James, as he possesses the perfect blend of creativity and pragmatism - evidenced by his understanding of how our strategic vision must be rooted in realism. It's the perfect mix to deliver BLR's ambitious and award-winning international projects, time after time - and I therefore highly recommend his services!
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iRADAH Video Led Recruitment Campaign
iRADAH Video Led Recruitment Campaign

Jeff Toye

Severn View Studio
JDC helped us setup Severn View Studio from scratch. James and his team, helped us define our audience and focused what we do to accommodate them. From the business plan to our branding, website and advertising, James took care of it all. He and his team have given us the inspiration and the confidence to launch a brand new recording studio in a difficult market.
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Severn View Studio
Severn View Studio
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Brand Identity & Video Led Recruitment Campaign - reaching the right people, with the right message.

“Q22” was devised as a brand for recruitment specialists, Barker Langham Recruitment, to use for their video communications. More specifically, it is the visual identity to unify all recruitment activities that will happen in Qatar throughout 2022.
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Visual Identity & Brand Strategy - showing a businesses metal.

Think Aluminium are a metal doors, windows and roofing manufacturer who wanted to grow into new markets and update their visual identity. We helped them do that by uncovering what they current clients were missing and discovering what their potential clients really needed.

Brand Development & Business Infrastructure - laying down solid tracks for a new recording studio

Severn View Studio is a brand new, luxury recording studio located in the Georgian market town of Bewdley. We helped them setup their business, develop their brand strategy and enter the market with a strong foundation.

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